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Digital Youth Work TC Playlist


Digital Youth Work TC Playlist



This is your Digital Youth Works TC Learning Playlist. It is an opportunity to digitally record your thoughts, learning and progress through the training as well as achieve Digital Open Badges along the way.
Digital Youth Works! - KA1 - Worker Mobility Training Course
Type of activity: Training Course [8-13 April 2022] [in person] Location: Magdeburg, Germany
The importance of youth work engaging with young people digitally has not only been identified as a priority through Erasmus+ but also been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic with many activities moving online. This training explores adapting traditional methods, utilising new opportunities for the new landscape of digital youth work.
This training course aims to give youth workers space to experience and share digital tools and approaches as well as investigating new opportunities, all the while having an eye on the realities and challenges of using them with young people.
There will be a particular focus on providing practical tools which youth workers can go away from the training with to use in their own youth work contexts.
Special features of this course:
  • An interactive and engaging programme, giving participants the chance to road test and experience tools themselves.A space for meaningful knowledge exchange with participants encouraged to share their experiences and tools.
  • Cities of Learning playlists and badges as pathways of learning.
  • A networking opportunity to meet and connect with others in the field who have an interest in working digitally with young people.
  • Developing a broader understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by digital youth work tools and methodologies
  • Explore and review digital youth work tools and methodologies
  • Develop increased digital skills and recognise how to apply them in youth work
  • The chance to test using traditional methods in digital spaces
  • Opportunities to share your own expertise and learn from international peers
Expected Outcomes
  • Increased familiarity with different digital tools and what they can offer for work internationally and locally, even when working remotely
  • Increased skills and knowledge on digital tools and how they can be matched with traditional methods
  • Increased adaptability in times of crisis when face to face work isn’t possible and digital is the only alternative
  • Sharing of digital youth work good practice and tools
The team of facilitators are Buzz Bury and Duncan Hodgson and they will guide you through the four days.
The training has been created for participants who are… Youth workers Youth Leaders Volunteers Teachers Social Workers
It will be essential participants are working with young people and ready to embrace the digital world and new youth work realities.
Training Language: English.
Participants should be above 18 years old.
Partner Countries: Portugal, Spain, Greece, Estonia, Germany
Venue: European Youth Educational Center Magdeburg (EJBM) Luettgen-Ottersleben 18a, 39116 Magdeburg

Activities to complete

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Digital me
1 hour
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What opportunities and or partnerships have you been able to identify from the training?

Get activity badge

Digital Opportunities and partnership Get this badge

Now you’ve discovered new opportunities and possible partnerships through the training, you need to think about how to implement them when you get back home. That might mean making a plan to keep in touch and make sure things are a success, or keeping track of the new tools you’ve found that will help you along the way. How will you maximise the potential from your experience here?

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks for Digital Opportunities that include: 
  • Methods and opportunities to be implemented in their own practice
  • Identified potential collaborations with international partners
  • Planned to build on learning from the training
  • Committed to utilising the tool library

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with other participants to express their thoughts and first ideas about potential opportunities in digital youth work.  

The evidence provided for each task shows how the holder worked on these topics.

*Experienced trainers and facilitators have assessed the completed tasks and evidence.
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
What methods and approaches will you look to implement back in your practice?
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Which participants have you connected with and where there could be further international collaborations?
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
How will you look to build on the experiences this week?
Task no.4
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
How often do you think you will visit the padlet, the daily report and other resources after the training?
Activities: 5
Started: 23
Completed playlist: 3
Time to complete: 1 hour 30 minutes


Europäische Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg (EJBM)
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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