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Kodas GZR - 2021 Youth Leadership Program

Meaningful activities in natural environment/ Prasmingas laisvalaikis gamtoje

Badge holder in the meeting with project "Building bridges" representative learned about fishing rules and protection of water habitat in UK, also got acquainted with "Mission: Siberia" which aim is to maintain the cemeteries of Lithuanian deportees who perished in Soviet prisons and forced-labor camps. and experiences during it.
Ženkliuko gavėjas susitikime su "Building bridges" projekto atstovu sužinojo apie žvejybą vandens gyvūnų apsaugą JK, taip pat susipažino su "Misija: Sibiras", kurios tikslas - tvarkyti tremtinių kapus.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Kaip jūs manote, kokiu tikslu žmonės eina į "Misiją - Sibiras"?
What is the reason people joining "Mission: Siberia"?
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Kodas GZR - 2021 Youth Leadership Program
Kodas GŽR -2021: hobiai ir geri darbai
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