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YOUMOBIL - My interrail adventure

YOUMOBIL - My interrail adventure

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Welcome to the Interreg YOUMOBIL project. The YOUMOBIL project aims at enhancing the passenger transport system for young people that live in rural areas and at improving their access to the European and national transport networks.
We want to give you the opportunity to explore the infrastructure of Europe. This summer, the Interreg project YOUMOBIL hands out free Interrail Global Passes, that let you discover 40.000 destinations and ride on trains in 31 different countries. The pass will be valid for 30 days during this summer.
You belong to the lucky participants of the YOUMOBIL project? That´s great. Let the adventure begin. This playlist will guide you through the steps and tasks of the YOUMOBIL project.
NOTE: This playlist is created for and targeted to participants of the YOUMOBIL project.
Task no.1
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YOUMOBIL - My interrail adventure
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